Nourishing Your Immunity

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You may not be able to receive a nourishing and healing massage right now, but there are so many other things you can do to bolster your immunity.

1. Emotional State

Become conscious of your emotional state and how it constricts your energy. Fear inhibits DNA-functioning and depletes your immune system. In Tantric and Taoist theory, fear damages the Kidneys, which means we respond to stress less effectively, amongst other things. Fear also attracts fear and has an effect that will rule your being. Do what you can, do it calmly, keep coming back to the moment, in which most of you reading this will find yourselves safe and OK.

Choose to stay positive. This does not mean ignorant. Stay informed if that helps you cope. But remember that you get to decide each day whether you choose to emit to those around you a positive or negative frequency. Love, gratitude, compassion, joy, and happiness boost your immune system, enhance your health and will repair your DNA; fear, entitlement, hatred, anger, and rage will deplete your immune system and damage your health. Stay focused.

2. Media / News

Be cautious of the media hysteria and our cultural obsession with bad news. Whatever you focus on grows. Spread love. Limit social media if it stresses you out. Take responsibility for what enters your field. Choose news sources that are not hysterical and fear-based. This will help with number 1!

3. Your Body Is Energy

Practice deep breathing daily to boost your immune system.  I love Kapalbhati– skull shining breath, here is a good, short guide:

This clears the respiratory and nasal passages and clears out the energetic gunk in the crown and 6thchakra that may be congested. It is a detoxifying breath.

You may practice yoga or go for a walk in nature, with fresh air and sunshine (if possible). Massaging your tummy each evening in a circular motion will support your digestion and detoxification. Turn off your wifi while you sleep, handle your devices less or leave them outside your room at night.

4. Vitamin D

On that same note, get enough vitamin D. Even if you have to take your laptop outside for 20 mins and soak up some sunshine while you are working. Though if you can, leave your laptop inside. Vitamin D is essential in maintaining a highly functioning immune system. 

5. Herbs and Supplements

Load up on vitamins C & D, zinc, omega 3s, mushroom extracts (e.g. Chaga, Reishi) for immune strengthening. If you are sick, herbs such as echinacea, dandelion or olive leaf work directly to bolster the immune system.  COVID-19 is a respiratory-borne illness, so many common herbal antivirals will likely be helpful (though what exactly works is still to be seen). Herbs like Oregano, Peppermint, Tea Tree Oil and Eucalyptus help the Lungs do their job. Manuka honey has also incredible healing properties.

6. Antibacterials

Make your own hand sanitiser, like this one: Use isopropyl alcohol or high-proof vodka (99%), aloe vera gel and essential oils that you like. You want it to be 60% alcohol to be effective, so make sure you do the math.

A ratio that works is: 
- 5 > 10 drops lavender essential oil
- 30 drops tea tree essential oil
- 100 ml isopropyl alcohol
- 30 ml pure aloe vera gel

7. Embrace the Yin

If you are stuck at home, or even if life is just slowing down, this is a time for you to embrace what it feels like for your life to be dominated by Yin and not Yang. Now is the time, if you can, to take rest. Even if it's just prioritising sleep and honouring your body's daily rhythm. This will serve you more than you can imagine. So many of us are addicted to our outward expression, to ‘doing’, to being busy and productive. Use this time and take advantage of not being scheduled, with social obligations and things to do. Concentrate on your personal or family values.

8. Wholesome Foods, Mindfully

Lungs like warm food, white foods. NOT cheap white foods like processed sugar and flour, think clean white foods (like cauliflower and potatoes), turnips, parsnips, almonds, daikon, (cooked) apples, pears, rice, oats, sesame seeds, onion, garlic, and white pepper. Also, white legumes (we love cannellini beans), white meat (chicken, turkey, fish), and broths are wonderful to support the Lungs and immunity in general. Food to support immunity is similar to baby food - mushy, well-cooked, full of nutrition, and warm. Avoid cold foods and raw foods.

9. Water Water Water

Hydrate. The old eight cups a day is a great place to start. Make sure it's room temperature or warm, not cold, as your body prefers warmer foods, especially when unwell or fighting something off.

I hope this helps you feel supported and nourished in this confusing time. Even though my massage practice is on hold for now, I am glad to be able to offer whatever support I can, even if you just want to have a chat. I will be here, so please feel free to write or call, or connect to me on my social media @blyssemassage.

Blysse Massage

Experienced massage therapist specialized in Hawaiian Massages, e.g. Kahuna Bodywork or Lomi Lomi Heartworks as well as Remedial Massage and Energy work.

Have We Actually Slowed Down?