Seven Principles of Huna

Have you every wondered, is there a meaning of Kahuna Bodywork beyond being a fantastic massage??

Kahuna Massage or Kahuna Bodywork is an ancient Hawaiian Temple-Style healing work based on the Hawaiian Philosophy of Life. With every Kahuna Bodywork, the practitioner conveys elements and movements related to this notion. Through focus, intention, breathing, singing, and touch, the seven principles of Huna Philosphy are integrated into the Kahuna Bodywork session. You might not be consciously aware of it, yet your emotional, energetic and spiritual body will receive these gifts.


The world is what you think it is. Your reality is shaped by your thoughts, your beliefs, your desires, your memories. The experience of your Kahuna Bodywork session will always be sensation-specific to ourselves in that moment. It also means for that your experience during a Kahuna massage can be vastly different from another time when you had the same treatment.


There are no limits. The limits that we feel and fear are limits imposed on us by our own minds. We must conquer the mind before we can accomplish a milestone. The Kahuna Bodywork session can support you overcoming those limits. You walk out with a renewed sense of joy and of your inner self.


Energy flows where attention goes. This is the fundamental principle for productive results. Throug special attention and energy to a given area, you will experience proprtionate positive effects. The success of a Kahuna Massage will alway be more influenced by focus and energy. The key to success is that the practicioner is sensitive to the client and the moment over anything that is simply rule-bound.


Now is the moment of power. Where are your thoughts, where is your attention? Being in the here and now, being present will empower you. During the Kahuna massage session, you will be encouraged to breathe in such a way as to maximise all positive effects. This will help you to bring you back into the now and feel fully immersed and go deeper in your healing.


‘Aloha’ means love or happiness. It means caring for others or caring for your self in an unselfisch way. The principle of Aloha is guiding the relationship between you and your Kahuna practicioner. It is not meant to cause harm nor unhappiness. It is an attitude, a friendly, joyful acceptance.


Mana is power or life energy. This energy is universal and flows through everything that exists. It is a primal energy. Mana flows through us and gives us the power to do anything that we decide on and take action towards. During a Kahuna massage, the energy is palpable and it might feel like an elating dance between you and your therapist.


Effectiveness is the measure of thruth. There are many ways to do most things. Finding the method, the action, that when put in motion, may work for you. As a Kahuna bodywork therapist, I see many different bodies. Working with PONO will guide me through the session to find the best outcome for the client, irrespective of a particular physique or a mental/emotional imbalance..

These principles can be appropriate for living our lives today. They are guides to help us find truths in our thoughts, actions and our relationships.

Did any of these principles resonate for you today?

It is a wonderful practice, to reflect on how these - almost universal-principles might shape our days, our lives.

Looking forward to connect with you in your next Kahuna Bodywork session.



Blysse Massage

Experienced massage therapist specialized in Hawaiian Massages, e.g. Kahuna Bodywork or Lomi Lomi Heartworks as well as Remedial Massage and Energy work.

Kahuna bodywork what?
